Our Partners & Resources

Arizona Search, Track and Rescue.
"Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. (AZ STaR) was formed to provide to the public, trained air, scent and trailing dog/handler teams to assist in locating lost or missing persons. AZ STaR also has dog/handler teams specially trained in Alzheimer’s, cadaver and evidence searches."
AZ Star works with the Find Me Group on various field missions. Our partnership has lasted for many years now.
Visit Arizona STaR
Arizona State University
The Find Me Group is pleased to announce our work with the Arizona State University to use the power of predictive analytics to improve our efforts to find the missing.
Learn More About ASUKelly Townsend, Chief Investigator - Lien & bond Investigations
Lien & Bond Investigations (LBI) are Arizona Private Investigators specializing in criminal defense investigations. LBI has built an outstanding reputation in the field of tracking criminals and has worked some of the most notorious criminal cases in the state of Arizona. Find Me Group has teamed up with LBI because of their highly skilled investigation techniques and success that has helped to ensure people are found.
AZ Lien & Bond InvestigationsAZ Private InvestigatorsAir Wing
I am proud to welcome our newest members STAN & CARA to the FIND ME TEAM..!
The aerial surveillance photo is from their very sophisticated camera. These photos that they have been taking are of the highest quality as you can see. It is very difficult getting this type of quality with a regular camera.
Stan & Cara recently flew several missions looking for Hollie Bruce, the local Arizona young lady that went missing and was just found last week. What Stan and Cara searched in two days with their airplane would have taken our ground crews three to four weeks because of the vast area we would have to cover.
I go by “Stan Specht”, real name being Stanley.
"I started flying in 1966, learning in my father’s Piper Cub. I have been flying my Kitfox aircraft for 13 years. I built “Columbine” from a kit and it is classified as an Experimental aircraft. I enjoy flying young folks to introduce them to aviation, and for other volunteer opportunities, such as The Find Me Group. I was introduced to flying for The Find Me group when I accompanied Stan Foster of Phoenix on a mission. Soon after, an opportunity arose in Colorado for me to fly a mission for the group."